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If you want to decorate your home with something modern but keep some traditional vibes, our tapestries are for you! We have 100's of designs to choose from so you can capture and embody the style the represents you, while keeping one of the oldest forms of textiles alive. As and added bonus, all of our tapestries are made to order, creating a more eco friendly, and sustainable future. How does this work you may wonder? When you place an order for your tapestry through Cranberry Lake Designs, we will make your tapestry up , just for you! This ensures that every piece that is created has a home to go to, and won't end up in a landfill because it didn't sell, greatly reducing textile waste. This also allows us to offer hundreds of designs because we dont' have to carry an enormous amount of inventory, and allows us to focus on what we do best, ensuring you will find a piece you truly love!

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